An update on COVID-19 from Profusion

To all reading this,

As a team of energetic, outdoorsy people, here at Profusion it is hard for us to be told to stay indoors. But no matter the adjustments we must make, we’re doing our very best to keep things as close to ‘business as usual’ as possible.

As a company we are committed to looking after the health and wellbeing of our customers and our staff. We’re ensuring that we can look after everyone in the best possible way by working very closely with our producers and distribution teams to get our products into shops as usual. We know that Profusion is part of some of your daily routines, so we want to minimise the disruption to these.

People around the world have been getting creative with how they exercise, and we couldn’t applaud this more. Please do let us know how you are keeping active, by tagging us over on Instagram @profusionorganic. Equally, if you have any questions about our products and how you can get hold of them, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

We hope that this helps reassure you that we are doing our absolute best to support you during this time. For now, we are sending our warmest wishes; may we all stay active, healthy and keep our spirits up.

From all of us at Profusion

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