Top 10 health benefits of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient physical, spiritual and mental practice that originates from India. Practicing yoga is said to help with flexibility, relaxation and fitness, but in our opinion, these are just a few of the many benefits of taking a little time out to practice yoga.


With it being international yoga day on the 21st June, we’ve put together our top 10 benefits of yoga and why you’ll want to keep coming back to the mat.


  1. Improves strength – yoga requires a surprising amount of strength. Through practicing yoga, and bearing your body weight through new poses, you are helping to build muscular strength
  2. Pain prevention – Through increased flexibility and strength this can help prevent pain & injury.
  3. Stress & anxiety relief – yoga has been shown to be an amazing stress buster, mind and body are so closely interlinked, that taking deeper breaths, improving posture and relaxing the muscles in a calm space can all help reduce stress and anxiety.
  4. Mental well being, body awareness & appreciation – Yoga develops your self-awareness. It focuses your attention on your body’s abilities at the present moment. In turn helping to develop breath and strength of both mind and body.
  5. Energy increase – by focusing on body movement and breath, yoga is perfect for when your energy reserves are running low. Practicing yoga can awaken your senses, allowing energy to circulate your entire body. Try the cobra pose, by opening your chest you are encouraging the intake of more breath.
  6. Improves Circulation – yoga can help increase blood flow to the body cells, helping your mind and body to function properly.
  7. Supports weight control – mindfulness developed through yoga can make you more sensitive to cues of hunger and fullness, helping develop a more positive relationship with food. Yoga has also been proven to lower the stress hormone, cortisol, which can contribute to weight gain.
  8. Improve balance & posture – yoga can increase the ability to feel what your body is doing and where it is in space, resulting in improved balance.
  9. Can help with sleep problems – stretching and breathing properly has a calming effect on the body. Many people who practice yoga say it helps them to sleep better, as you feel more balanced and clear minded.
  10. Helps you live longer – as you now know, yoga can help you increase fitness, reduce stress, and improve mental well-being. All these elements together may add years on to your life!

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